PIK - Ability to Focus

The Things That Killing Your Ability to Focus

Although there is time for busy entrepreneurs and employees, it cannot be worse than not being able to focus on the job and feeling like you are doing nothing. It is not known whether it will be a consolation, but this situation is not unique to you. According to the researcher, even in a simple job like reading, average attention shifts away from work done 16 to 20 percent of the time.

Even if you don’t realize it and don’t remember the details around you, your brain is registering them. Even if you are not paying attention consciously, your brain is working non-stop, expending energy. Thus, with so many stimuli, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain concentration.

However, the fact that most entrepreneurs and professionals have a lack of focus does not solve your problem. To improve your daily focus and deal with the chronic distractions you encounter, you must first find the root cause of your problem.

If the focus is starting to become a major problem for you, the reason may be one or more of the following:


Your problem may also be related to the number of distractions you surround yourself with. Even the most skilled professionals waste time. According to Salary.com’s survey, 89 percent of employees admitted to spending some time at work. The top distractions were noted as talking or texting on the phone, gossiping, surfing the web, and playing games on social media.

You can easily get rid of these types of distractions with browser apps that block the websites of your choice and by turning off your phone.

Lack of prioritization

When you are not sure about what to focus on, you may have trouble focusing. A typical entrepreneur has a different job. For this reason, if you are unsure of what to do, you may not be able to jump from work to work and leave the previous job halfway to pay attention.

If this is your problem, you should work on and discipline your system where you prioritize things.


When we do multiple jobs at the same time or focus on too many tasks at the same time, we experience more stress and the more stress we have, the harder it is to focus. To focus more easily, all we have to do is slow down a little with mindfulness and relaxation meditations.

At the same time work on many things 

Many companies consider “multitasking” a desired and even necessary skill. However, several studies have shown that the brain becomes more “tired” from working on many things at the same time. Both sides of the brain work together when concentrating on a task, resulting in finishing faster and better. Instead, when moving from one task to the next without completing either, each side of the brain works independently. And this results in low productivity and errors. Thus, it is best not to start something else until you finish what you started.

Life style

Your lifestyle can also affect your ability to focus. Balanced meals full of healthy, complex carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats and exercise every day will help you focus and be more productive throughout the day.

If you skip your exercises and all your meals are junk food or fast food from machines, you won’t have the energy to focus on what needs to be done.

Chaotic environment

As with regular pushers, a chaotic work environment can be responsible for focus difficulties. If an employee comes to your office to ask questions every time you take charge of a job, you can never fully commit to any job. You can reduce these types of distractions by tightening your communication standards and better organizing your work environment.

Social networks

Many reasons point to social media being a cause of depression and stress. Why? Many studies have found that users “addicted” to social networks, compare themselves with others, are affected by negative content, have an oversaturation of information, etc. Also, the constant use of screens affects the eyes and causes eye irritation. This in the long run could cause more serious illnesses.

Thus, one way to avoid distracting mortification, stress, and negative feelings is to limit your use of social networks.

How many of these distractions do you observe in yourself and your life? Focus if your problem is chronic, chances is that more than one will be together. Fortunately, each problem is resolved and there is at least one way to mitigate its effects.

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