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Achieve Your Goals By Organizing Your Time Efficiently

Achieve Your Goals By Organizing Your Time Efficiently

Sometimes we think, how can the day work so well for other people? In just a few hours, give them time to complete their daily tasks, have fun, and even rest! 

Has it happened to you that no matter how hard you try to organize your hours of the day, you can’t make the time work for you? Achieving efficient time management may sound simple enough, actually balancing the day is hard work. However, it is important to set schedules to achieve your long-term goals and objectives. 

There is no magic formula, each person must manage their time according to their needs, and organizing it is the responsibility of each one. It happens to many students that they neglect to study during the course and in exam seasons spend extra time reviewing their classes. In this way, the only thing they achieve is to feel more pressure and learn a little less; therefore, one of the keys to success is the efficient organization of time. 

Have you ever had the feeling that time is slipping through your fingers? Then you must learn to organize it! 

What is Time Management?

The word time is a concept; it is defined as the time it takes for a job or action to occur. This time can be as objective as 24 hours a day, or as subjective as a difficult 30-minute meeting feels like some hours have passed. How time will pass, how it will make you feel as it passes, and whether the result will lead you to success are directly related to how you manage it.

So what is time management; it is the effective use and management of time. If we detail the answer to the question; determining the priority order of the works to be done and performing them on time with correct planning.

Tips for management for more productivity

The amount of time a day offers to everyone is equal. However, what that period offers you is directly proportional to your ability to use time efficiently. If you want to profit from life and get maximum efficiency from the 24-hour period, to use time efficiently;

  • Evaluation

Analyze how many hours you invest in each activity, what aspects interrupt your time, and if you sabotage your work yourself. With this evaluation of our own time, we can better redirect our tasks and have effective management.

Busy you in some activity for hours do not mean that you are more productive. Consider that these days you may have many tasks to complete and short deadlines to achieve them, so you have to be effective. Carefully assesses how to occupy your time and productivity obtained as a result.

  • Responsibility

We all have 24 hours and 365 days a year, the only thing that differentiates us is how we invest our time. There are aspects of our work where we can have control, such as answering calls after we finish some activity. Most of the time we perform a task that is affected by interrupted phone calls. Avoid distractions unless it is very important; understand that everything must have its time.

The biggest responsibility you can have is to commit yourself to change and unlearn harmful behaviors. Once you understand that you must apply new schemes in your daily life, you adapt little by little to the new learning.

  • Identification of the problem

By identifying the problem that complicates having excellent time management, you make the necessary adjustments. In at least 3 months, try to change the problem factor for a solution and incorporate it into your daily life. Little by little you will see improvements and you will be more and more productive.

  • Prioritize the work 

Once you have identified the work to be done for effective time management, list them in order of importance. Put the most urgent and necessary ones first and start with the hard ones if possible. Your motivation is highest when you first start work. Take advantage of high motivation to get through hard work. So when you get tired, the easy things are left.

  • List of activities

The first thing you should do every morning is to list your activities; this will take minutes. The list helps to evaluate the amount of work you have and to determine its priority. To make you more productive every day, set deadlines for daily tasks, and mark those activities carried out. At the end of the day review your schedule and keep in mind the commitments of the next day.

  • Commitment

No plan, strategy, and schedule work if you don’t have the willingness and discipline to stick to schedules. Without a doubt, it is very important to continue with the plan to improve our time management. Leaving work until the last minute continuously should be avoided; this style of behavior must be unlearned.

Commitment implies focusing on the activity to be executed. Distractions like social media and conversations during work hours steal our time. As we get distracted, our brain takes 30 minutes again to focus. You have to create habits that promote optimal time management, such as an activity that starts must be completed first.

  • Work as a team

When we work as a team, it is easier to develop an activity faster in real-time. If you have a team in charge, know each individual and their capabilities, so you will have the easiest way to delegate. Time is more efficient and activities are done faster when the company is not centralized.


Each of us has a more productive schedule. Think about what time you are most productive and what is that activity where you perform better to achieve your goals at a certain time. These tips try to clarify the doubt about how to manage our time in the best way. 

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