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Scientifically Proven Ways to Increase Your Productivity

Being a worker is one of the most commonly taught values ​​in families since hard work often equates to money, goods, services, and quality of life. Certainly, hard work can be well rewarded financially; it can even be good for morale and self-esteem. But then what about those who work smart?

Working hard is not always linked to working smart. If you want to increase your productivity without applying more effort than you should, certain changes must be made. Here are some scientifically proven ways to be incredibly productive.

Limit your to-do list

The common belief would make anyone think that doing more things during the day directly means greater productivity. However, limiting your to-do list and prioritizing certain goals over secondary ones can greatly reduce the burnout and anxiety so distinctive at work.

This simple change can improve sleep and ultimately quality of life. Complete the most important tasks sooner to improve your productivity.

Plan your day the night before. 

Take 10-15 minutes to do this. Adopting this habit produces phenomenal benefits. Lack of sleep is usually caused by thinking about the things you have to do the next day. When planning your day, you will wake up ready to hit the ground and know exactly what to do.  

Value your results, not time

You don’t evaluate your performance by how long you take to complete your assignments, but by which ones you actually finish. If you adopt this practice, you will see very noticeable changes in the way you work and you will begin to divide your tasks into smaller ones. But achievable sections, instead of stressing yourself over the calendar.

Also, make a list of the things you completed during the day – you will be surprised how productive you can be.

Experiences are more important

Experts found that experiences were more valuable than things purchased. There are many reasons for this, as noted in the study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Comparing items and looking for better items after purchase can demoralize and ruin the initial pleasure we get when purchasing new cars, TVs, or computers.

However, valuable experiences are hardly disruptive. We should always aim to visit a new place or just go exploring.

Create habits that increase your productivity

Many people procrastinate excessively before starting work, which is a waste of time and sometimes money as well. One of the best ways to end bad habits that prevent you from achieving the productivity you want so much is simply to change them for good habits that help you get started.

If you create a routine before the beginning of your tasks, your brain will get used to it and will tell your body that it is time to work. You can also use other tactics like turning off your phone, stretching, sitting in front of your desk, and even having a healthy snack.

Thinking positively increases your performance

10 percent of situations such as stress factors, adversity, successes, economic conditions, relationships, and the like affect your happiness. The remaining 90 percent is about how you see the world around you. Positive thinking increases energy levels, creativity, and efficiency by up to 30 percent. The key is to use positive thinking now.

Identify the moments when you waste time

If you use this simple activity, you will notice how much time you could be wasting in the morning before starting work or during the afternoon when you take a so-called short break.

Look for patterns of procrastination and add those moments to your routine in ways that don’t affect your productivity. For example, if you spend a lot of time looking at the publications of your friends on the networks, you can do it without any problem during the time you have your cup of coffee, and thus it will not be an impediment to your productivity.

Take short breaks

One of the most precious elements when working is energy, and preserving it is sometimes incredibly difficult. As paradoxical as it sounds, if you take more time to rest, you will be more energetic and productive. This consequently will make your work better.

The time that your brain can stay attentive is some minutes, after this, you would need at least 15 minutes of rest. So, change your work routine and take 15-20 minute breaks if you want to perform during the day.


Sometimes working hard doesn’t mean working better. Working smart means not overdoing your human capabilities, valuing rest time, and fighting procrastination by adding it to your routine. Therefore, it is possible to work better and be more productive without affecting your health or quality of life.

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