The most challenging to ask during a job interview

The Most Challenging to Ask During a Job Interview

How many times have you seen yourself going to an interview and not being called again for a position you think you are highly qualified for? When this happens, we are surprised; we are upset and discouraged. But actually, many of the most common questions asked in interviews are fraught with pitfalls. Maybe we just couldn’t give the right answer that would make us stand out among other applicants?

In fact, there are questions asked to the counter in almost every interview; and the truth is, although we know this, we are not prepared enough. No matter how much you prepare for an interview, it is very likely that you will be asked slightly difficult or unexpected questions. To help you in your preparation process, we have made a list of the most challenging questions you could be asked and how you could answer them.

1. Can you tell us about yourself?

Although this question is the most classic interview question in job interviews, it is one of the questions that candidates make the most mistakes in answering. When you come across this question in the job interview, do not focus on your own life story. 

The specialist doesn’t care how many siblings you have or what street you live on. With this question, the specialist wants to learn what you have learned from past work experiences, in which areas you have taken responsibility for, in which areas you are good at your job, and what excites you about your job.

2. Why did you leave your previous job?   

Your answer should be positive even if you left your previous position in poor condition. And never criticize your previous employment.

3. What are the main objectives you have achieved on a professional level?

The question can demonstrate the seriousness and value of the candidate. Having achieved goals that are not amazing but real and impacting is very positive. The exaggerations should set off an alarm bell. Humility, ambition, pride, leadership attitude, sense of reality, and the ability to understand the context are elements that can easily emerge based on the answer given by the candidate.

4. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

This is another question that allows candidates to explain themselves and their strengths and weaknesses. While answering this question, highlight your strengths directly related to your business with the examples you will tell. Answering this question by stating your irrelevant aspects that are not related to your job would be one of the biggest mistakes you will make.

Candidates should tell experts that they are aware of their weaknesses and the steps they take to improve these aspects. Therefore, when asked to indicate your weaknesses in the interview, instead of saying “I have no weaknesses”, explain how you overcame this aspect and what you did for it.

5. What is your biggest success?

When answering such questions, it is important to explain numerical items rather than subjective items. For example, it is advantageous for you to prove success with numerical values ​​such as “The sales figures of the company increased by… percent as a result of the project I have carried out”. While explaining the contribution of your work to the company, stay away from exaggeration and convey your success related to the position you applied to the specialist.

6. Why are you interested in this job?

The answer to this question may reveal other characteristics of the company that you would never discover in a standard interview. Whether it is the content of the work. Or the good balance between professional and private life and the presence of background music. The answer will make you understand a little better the type of reality you are going to fit into.

7. What motivates you?

This question relates directly to your work ethic, your personal vision, and your goals. You shouldn’t talk about money or prestige.

Last words

These are the questions for the perfect job interview; of course, our advice is to always customize them according to the candidate and the job offer.

Thanks for reading. 

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